Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Investments of Life

The Investments of Life


Every time I make a decision concerning my life, I may be investing in the business of earth or the business of heaven. I am likely to invest in the former, for it is close to my flesh, my physical, emotional desires, and if invested properly, results in a profit that satisfies my flesh. Unfortunately, this satisfaction is temporal, resulting in an ever-increasing crave for more yet never being satisfied. Moreover, there always exists the danger of losing the profits obtained from earthly investments by unexpected circumstances; in other words, I may be laboring for the benefit of my life, not knowing that I am laboring in vain. I wonder, then, what the rationality is to invest in the business of earth in the first place. There should be no such rationality in the minds of those who know of a higher reality, a better business, operating in a greater kingdom called heaven. Unlike earthly investments, heavenly investments are guaranteed from losing; they are of eternal value and everlasting existence. If I consider my grades or getting an internship job more important than my quiet time with the Lord, the relationships I have with my brothers and sisters, or the intentional time I spend with my non-believing friends, then I am investing in the wrong business.

Friend, are you investing in the right business today?

The Lord reminded me of Matthew 6: 19-21 this evening. Let’s pray and ask Him to guide us in our daily investments.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6: 19-21).


At 4:20 AM, Blogger Consecrated said...

Thought provoking Mike. I haven't visited your blog in a while. Should be doing so more often.

You are so right. I have been thinking about that myself very recently. Every now and then, I stop and check my spiritual books and see what is it I am doing for the Lord. Am I paying my tithes. Am I giving him free will offerings. Am I helping the poor and the needy. Am I help solid Christian ministries to spread the gospel around the world.

I thank the Lord that I have finally understood, in practical terms, what does it mean to lay up our treasures in heaven.

On that day, the judgement seat of Christ, when we shall all appear before him to give him an account of what we did in the body, on that day we will discover that our investments paid off.

Keep up the good work.

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! So true and yet so missed out on by so many people who just wait for the day to pass by. I am so glad I visited your blog I really needed to be reminded of my daily investments.
The thing that I need to give to the Lord daily is my thought life. Which can be a struggle with all of the destractions around me. However the Lord says my strength is made perfect in your weakness. I like David in the Bible long to be a person after God's heart.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Thanks for your comment, anonymous! I'm thankful that God is still using this old blog, and I pray that more people will be encouraged by it.


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