Into the Wadrobe---Finding True Freedom of the Soul
Narnia Reflections: Into the Wardrobe
---Finding True Freedom of the Soul
---Finding True Freedom of the Soul
In the absence of true fulfillment, the state of the soul is like the emptiness of a room except that, in such empty room, there is a wardrobe. The journey of the soul starts with the opening of the wardrobe. Inside the wardrobe one discovers the reality of one's soul---a land dead and frozen in eternal winter under the evil spell of sin. Everything that one finds through the door of wardrobe is longing for the breaking of the spell---the end of winter and the coming of spring, as it is with every part of one's soul under the curse of sin. It is, however, no good with one's own effort to break the spell, for the very nature of the soul, being sinful, is unable to save itself. It is obvious that a man who doesn't know how to swim and happens to be drowning, despite his desperate struggles, cannot save himself without the intervention of some kind of external factor, a life jacket, for example. In Narnia, Aslan came to free the land and its creatures from the curse of the spell. Likewise, in our world, Christ came to free the earth and its people from the curse of sin. The freedom of the soul can only made possible through the breaking of the very thing that creates bondages to the soul---sin. The ultimate defeat of sin is achieved by the total destruction of its power or, in another sense, the maximum level of evil that its power generates---eternal death. Christ demonstrated the victory over death, the ultimate evil resulted from sin, through His own death and resurrection, thereby, fully and once for all, ending the power of sin. It is through this sacrificial act of Christ that we have been given the opportunity to obtain true freedom of our souls. A new journey of the soul begins with one's acceptance of Christ as one's Savior who conquered sin and the wage of sin---eternal death, and the impartation of His resurrected life that overcomes the power of sin.
"You see, at just the right time, when we were still sinners, Christ died for the ungodly." (Romans 5: 6)
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6: 23)

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