Mercy & Grace
This is a picture taken from Silver Lake Marina in June. The following is a tercet (three-line stanzas) on my reflections of the picture. For those of you who are going through trials and hardships, I want to encourage you that God's mercy is abundant, and His grace is sufficient! Take heart! There's nothing you cannot overcome in Jesus, for He has "overcome the world." (John 16: 33)
Mercy and Grace
Sprinkle, sprinkle, drops of light fall.
Falling, the light of mercy blends
Into the coolness of the water.
Twinkle, twinkle, beads of water dance.
Dancing, the water of grace merges
Into the warmth of the light.
A kiss, an embrace,
Where light meets water,
Where mercy meets grace.
Abundant light, incessantly shines.
Sufficient water, unceasingly flows.
In a dark and parched land,
The light restores my sight,
The water quenches my thirst.
My spirit is renewed---
Where light meets water,
Where mercy meets grace---
By Your kiss, in Your embrace.

Sprinkle, sprinkle, drops of light fall.
Falling, the light of mercy blends
Into the coolness of the water.
Twinkle, twinkle, beads of water dance.
Dancing, the water of grace merges
Into the warmth of the light.
A kiss, an embrace,
Where light meets water,
Where mercy meets grace.
Abundant light, incessantly shines.
Sufficient water, unceasingly flows.
In a dark and parched land,
The light restores my sight,
The water quenches my thirst.
My spirit is renewed---
Where light meets water,
Where mercy meets grace---
By Your kiss, in Your embrace.

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