The Choir and The Church
The picture above was taken at the Fall Concert presented by the TCU choir tonight. For me, it was, in addition to listening, a wonderful worship experience in God's presence. The choir sang so beautifully that a moment I thought I was in Heaven, listening to the Choir of Angels. But --- the truth is, they are absolutely incomparable! What went on here tonight is merely the shadow of the miro-glimpse of what the Grand Choir in Heaven is like. As much as I wish you had come and listened to the TCU choir tonight, how much more do I hope and long for the day when you and I, along with countless multitudes, will be joining the Grand Choir of Heaven. Of course, my friend, it all starts with joining the Grand Choir rehearsals that take place here on earth, at this very moment. Get ready, and get excited, brothers and sisters --- just a few more rehearsals here and we shall give the real performance there!
What it is like during the real performance, I cannot imagine, but undoubtfully it's going to be --- indescribably beautiful and glorious!!!
The Choir and The Church
The choir is a beautiful collection of singers with
Different voices of various qualities.
Yet when the singers take the place of the conductor,
Who is the director of the choir,
It is no more than random, disorganized notes-
Not song, but noise, is heard.
The church is a beautiful collection of believers with
Different gifts of various abilities.
Yet when the believers take the place of God,
Who is the head of the church,
It is no more than an unhealthy, dysfunctional body ---
Not life, but destruction, is seen.
Only when the singers are under the leadership of the conductor
can an organized, harmonious chorus be performed.
Only when the believers are under the headship of God
can a united, functional church exist.
Let us join the Grand Choir of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who directs us into the most beautiful and glorious performance ---
The Song of Salvation, the Chorus of Life --- forever and ever!
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