Eyes and Love
There is a saying that goes like this: "the eyes are the windows to the heart." I think it is quite true sometimes. There are times when one can look straight into another's eyes and, without any verbal communication, know what lies deep inside his/her heart. The picture above was taken by my friend Erin during her recent mission trip to the Middle East. What caught my eyes first were the eyes of these five children. Their eyes looked different, yet to me, they were telling the same story, revealing the same heart...
Time stands still at the contact of eyes---
A moment of silence, an unforgettable sight.
A simple gaze of the eye talks
About what lies deep inside the heart.
Desperation? Anger? Fear? Hope?
I ponder, wishing that I can fully know.
For a minute I think a better life
Is what I see through these little eyes.
Another moment I wonder if they are ever told
What children's life is like in another part of the world.
Then I come to realize it doesn't matter
If they know or want a life that's better.
What matters is that, like the other children lived afar,
And so does every grown-up, they desire to be loved.
Their hearts' longing for love cannot hide,
For I know children's eyes seldom lie.
No matter how old we are, we are still like little children in one way or another. At least, we want to be loved. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) If you do not know that you are loved, I want to tell you that you are indeed loved. Jesus stretched his arms wide on the cross, telling you and me: "This much I love you."
God is embracing you with His love, but will you, in response to His love, embrace Him? Remember, the Father's love is the best gift a child like you and I can ever get.

Hey Mike,
Good posting, Mike. A very good song,too. how have you been doing lately? I'm going back to Bangkok in next couple week for 4-5 days. I'm so exciting to go back again. Hope you are doing well, and if there is anything I can pray for, don't forget to let me know na, my dear brother.
May God be with you,
Hey Kate!
It's good to hear from you again. I'm doing quite well, despite a bit busier than I wanted. I'm excited for you too, that you are going back to Bangkok. I don't know if you friends over there are busy or not. I do hope you guys will meet soon. Please pray our team reaching out to international students on campus, that we would be sensitive to where God is working and leading us to join Him.
May the Lord be your joy, always!
In the service of the King,
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