Divine Appointment
Rambling Thoughts on Divine Appointments
It amazes me how the Lord would bring different people, different things, different circumstances together through the divine work of his hands. I'd like to think it as two or more objects of the same or similar type that exist in different time frames and different dimensions of space, by means of not natural laws but supernatural interventions, clash into each other. The clash, of course, occurs at the same time and same place for both objects, but what leads to the resultant interaction cannot be understood by applying physical laws because the event in which objects in different time frames and different dimensions of space simply run into each other and they happen to be of the same or similar type is too rare to be considered as a natural phenomenon. In other words, if P(x) stands for the probability of this event x occurring, then P(x) = 1/infinity. I had the following scenario in mind. A US Air Force pilot, after being ejected from his aircraft due to the unfortunate event of an engine malfunction during a long-range flight training session, landed safely with his parachute, but only in another state, in a neighborhood, on the front lawn a house, from which a man presently came out to pick up his morning newspaper. If that's all there was to the story, then it would be silly of me to mention it. You might have imagined what would possibly follow: the man would be much surprised or even shocked to see an air force pilot land on his lawn, and the pilot would be kind of embarrassed but in a rather calm manner explained the accident to the man. But what if I told you that was not the case. The moment the man saw the pilot, surprised or shocked as he might be, joy came upon his face as he threw off his newspaper and leaped toward the pilot, who, as soon as he saw the man, reacted in the same way and ran toward him. They greeted each other in a warm hug. Now that would be very odd, in fact, quite unbelievable, if I hadn't add something like this to the story: immediately after they saw each other, both men realized that the other person was far from being a stranger but the very person each one had been wanting to see --- an old acquaintance. A moment ago the two men were in two different time and two different places, and all the sudden they were seeing each other like magic. I think at least one of the men would say something like: how could such an event ever happen to anyone? A discussion between the two would likely follow. If both the men later agreed to explain the incident away by merely a very rare occurrence, which many of us would do the same, I'd disagree. If a very rare occurrence has the probability of nearly 0, which I think applied to the case above, then practically speaking, there was no way that the event could have take place even in the least natural sense. Stated in another way, it was impossible to initiate such an event by means of even the most comprehensive, advanced, and applicable natural laws. The fact that the event did occur showed that it must not have been guided by natural laws but, rather, un-natural ones. In fact, the event itself was so un-natural that it passed beyond the threshold of the natural or physical realm and entered the supernatural or spiritual realm, in which a new set of realities and laws ought to be applied to correctly explain how it all happened.
God, the Author of all the spiritual realities and laws, is also the Initiator of such events as divine appointments. Divine appointments, like miracles, prove God's existence, and the fact that they do occur nowadays testifies that God is at work right now, in our midst.
Speaking from my personal experience, I encountered an amazing divine appointment this past Saturday. Praise the Lord! Doesn't it just strengthens your faith and makes you fall in love with Him all over again?!

It amazes me how the Lord would bring different people, different things, different circumstances together through the divine work of his hands. I'd like to think it as two or more objects of the same or similar type that exist in different time frames and different dimensions of space, by means of not natural laws but supernatural interventions, clash into each other. The clash, of course, occurs at the same time and same place for both objects, but what leads to the resultant interaction cannot be understood by applying physical laws because the event in which objects in different time frames and different dimensions of space simply run into each other and they happen to be of the same or similar type is too rare to be considered as a natural phenomenon. In other words, if P(x) stands for the probability of this event x occurring, then P(x) = 1/infinity. I had the following scenario in mind. A US Air Force pilot, after being ejected from his aircraft due to the unfortunate event of an engine malfunction during a long-range flight training session, landed safely with his parachute, but only in another state, in a neighborhood, on the front lawn a house, from which a man presently came out to pick up his morning newspaper. If that's all there was to the story, then it would be silly of me to mention it. You might have imagined what would possibly follow: the man would be much surprised or even shocked to see an air force pilot land on his lawn, and the pilot would be kind of embarrassed but in a rather calm manner explained the accident to the man. But what if I told you that was not the case. The moment the man saw the pilot, surprised or shocked as he might be, joy came upon his face as he threw off his newspaper and leaped toward the pilot, who, as soon as he saw the man, reacted in the same way and ran toward him. They greeted each other in a warm hug. Now that would be very odd, in fact, quite unbelievable, if I hadn't add something like this to the story: immediately after they saw each other, both men realized that the other person was far from being a stranger but the very person each one had been wanting to see --- an old acquaintance. A moment ago the two men were in two different time and two different places, and all the sudden they were seeing each other like magic. I think at least one of the men would say something like: how could such an event ever happen to anyone? A discussion between the two would likely follow. If both the men later agreed to explain the incident away by merely a very rare occurrence, which many of us would do the same, I'd disagree. If a very rare occurrence has the probability of nearly 0, which I think applied to the case above, then practically speaking, there was no way that the event could have take place even in the least natural sense. Stated in another way, it was impossible to initiate such an event by means of even the most comprehensive, advanced, and applicable natural laws. The fact that the event did occur showed that it must not have been guided by natural laws but, rather, un-natural ones. In fact, the event itself was so un-natural that it passed beyond the threshold of the natural or physical realm and entered the supernatural or spiritual realm, in which a new set of realities and laws ought to be applied to correctly explain how it all happened.
God, the Author of all the spiritual realities and laws, is also the Initiator of such events as divine appointments. Divine appointments, like miracles, prove God's existence, and the fact that they do occur nowadays testifies that God is at work right now, in our midst.
Speaking from my personal experience, I encountered an amazing divine appointment this past Saturday. Praise the Lord! Doesn't it just strengthens your faith and makes you fall in love with Him all over again?!

This happened...
to you?
If you mean the illustration I gave, no, that's just something came to my mind, not a real incident. But I, together with a brother and 2 sisters, did have a divine appointment with 2 Sir Lanken students this past Saturday. The key, I think, was that both the 4 of us and the 2 of them were praying for divine appointments and connections before we met that very day. We were actully doing a prayer walk on campus for incoming international students, and they actually had prayed to connect specifically with the church I go to because it is a sister church with the one that their sister is working with. There's just no way I cannot admit that this was a divine appointment. Praise God!
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