The Gate, The Fountain, and Faith
Do you see some stone gates in front of you?
There are many gates in our lives, some we have already passed, one we are entering now, and still others we will come to later. Some gates are quite hard to enter, while others are fairly easy. It often occurred to me that the harder gates I went in, I came out with more ease, while the easier gates I entered, I left with greater difficulty.
As I struggled to get into a hard gate, I would cry out to the Lord for help. I felt that if I were not to totally depend on Him, I would surely be left inside the gate and never get out. But He answered my cry as I surrendered myself to Him, and I soon found my way out of the gate with such ease that my heart was filled of joy and thankfulness.
Therefore, from the hard gates, I learned to trust in the Lord during hard times.
However, I would simply rush into an easy gate with full confidence, thinking that I could do it all by myself and be out of the gate in no time. Who knows how long I stayed inside the gate. At last, depending totally on my own strength, I barely got out of the gate, and with such difficulty that I found myself worn out, full of misery and complaints. I asked God why, and He told me that it was not Him, but me, who made the exiting part so hard. I could have exited as easy as, if not easier than, I entered the gate, if only I had relied on Him wholly.
Therefore, from the easy gates, I learned to trust in the Lord during easy times still.
Now take a look at the photo again...
Do you see a water fountain at the end of the gate?
Beyond the gates, whether hard or easy ones, there is a fountain where one's thirst will be quenched, health be restored, and soul be renewed. God is the Fountain of Life, freely giving the Water of Everlasting Life to our souls. He is waiting for you on the other side of each Gate of your life journey, and all that it takes for you to get to the other side, to Him, is faith.
How you will come out of the Gate has nothing to do with how hard or easy it is to enter the Gate, but it has everything to do with whom you put your faith in the whole time.
Now, my friend, a Gate (hard or easy you need not know) is before you...
Will you depend on yourself, or will you trust in Him, to go through the Gate?