I was...I am...
When I was surrounded by the Sea of Darkness,
I saw a Light shone from the Lighthouse.
The Air was so overwhelmingly dark,
overshadowing all that is around me;
The Waves were furiously roaring,
overthrowing me, drowning me.
Yet I saw a Light shone from the Lighthouse
seated on the Shore afar.
So brilliant, so sharp,
the Light penetrates through all that it passes,
through the Air, through the Waves,
it reached to me,
a lost soul struggling to live.
Still overwhelming, the dark Air.
Still furious, the roaring Waves.
Yet the Light embraced me,
bringing Strength to my body,
Courage to my heart,
Peace to my soul.
I couldn't help but swim upward, forward,
toward the Light.
More overwhelming, the dark Air.
More furious, the roaring Waves.
Yet as I kept on swimming,
the Light became brighter,
dwarfing the Sea of Darkness and everything within.
Misery turned into Joy.
Desperation turned into Hope.
Then I heard the sound of a siren,
loud and clear,
like that coming from a ship.
All the sudden
the Light shifted away from me,
yet with increasing brightness,
It pointed toward a new direction.
With all Its energy,
the Light focused on a Grand Object.
What I saw
I could not believe.
The largest fishing ship I have ever seen.
So large, so incredibly large,
it makes me wonder
whether everybody in the world
can fit in.
Then I saw, on the Fishing Ship,
multitudes of joyful faces
watching, cheering, calling my name.
The glory of the Light
radiates from every single face.
"Come up, son!"
A distinct voice stood out
from within the crowd.
I looked to the front deck and saw
Him, the Captain,
pulling out a Ladder shaped like a Cross,
along the side of the Ship.
I could not believe
the Captain is saving me Himself!
Something amazing happened
as I was climbing up the Ladder.
The Sea Water on my body
dripped down like rain!
I was all dry and clean
when I got up to the deck,
like I've never been in the Sea before.
But my eyes weren't dry
as tears of joy burst out.
There He is, before the Multitudes,
the Captain, my Saviour,
smiling at me, with a Face
shining like the sun.
I couldn't help but ran toward Him,
into His open arms.
He embraced me before I could hug Him,
and with His arms thrown around me,
He kissed me.
My eyes were again
filled with tears of thankfulness.
All the sudden
a beam of the Light shifted unto my body,
and shone into my soul.
Then I heard, within me,
the voice of the Light spoke out,
loud and clear:
"For this son of mine was dead
and now is alive again;
he was lost and is found."
"Come, follow me,"
looking into my eyes,
the Captain said,
"and I will make you
fishers of men."
At once I nodded,
full of Faith.
I am now
a Fisherman among the Multitudes,
part of the Fishing Ship,
following my Captain,
leading by the Light,
saving lost souls from the Sea of Darkness,
longing to reach the Shore someday,
my ultimate and everlasting Home,
but most of all,
to meet our DAD face to face in His majestic Lighthouse.
The Sea of Darkness: what Satan, the Enemy, offers to people in this world
The Air and Waves: the Evil Forces of the Enemy
The Light: God the Holy Spirit
The Lighthouse: the Throne of God
The Fishing Ship, The Multitudes: the Church, the Body of Christ
The Captain: Jesus, God the Son, the Saviour
The Ladder: The Cross
The Sea Water: Sin
Fisherman: a follower of Jesus
The Shore: Heaven, Home
DAD: God the Father
Bible Verses
"For this son of mine was dead and now is alive again; he was lost and is found."
(Luke 15:24)
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
(Matthew 4:19)
Special Thanks
To the best Producer, DAD; the perfect Director, The Captain, and the most wonderful Counselor, The Light: without Your inspiration and guidance I could not have written the above. Thank you so much for all that You've contributed to my life! I give all the credit to You!
Love, mike