Mike's Album-----Unashamed Pursuit
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
|Monday, November 27, 2006
|Friday, November 17, 2006
|Friday, April 14, 2006
|Sunday, April 02, 2006
Give me to love thee, to embrace thee,
though I once took lust and sin in my arms.
Thou didst love me before I loved thee,
an enemy, a sinner, a loathsome worm.
Thou didst own me when I disclaimed myself;
Thou doest love me as a son,
and weep over me as over Jerusalem.
Love brought thee from heaven to earth,
from earth to the cross,
from the cross to the grave.
Love caused thee to be
weary, hungry, tempted,
scorned, scourged,
buffeted, spat upon,
crucified, and pierced.
Love led thee to bow thy head in death.
My salvation is the point where
perfect created love
and the most perfect uncreated love
meet together;
for thou dost welcome me,
not like Joseph and his brother,
loving and sorrowing, but loving and rejoicing.
This love is not intermittent, cold, changeable;
it does not cease to abate for all my enmity.
Holiness is a spark from thy love
kindled to a flame in my heart by thy Spirit,
and so it ever turns to the place
from which it comes.
Let me see thy love everywhere,
not only in the cross,
but in the fellowship of believers
and in the world around me.
When I feel the warmth of the sun
may I praise thee who art the Sun of righteousness
with healing power.
When I feel the tender rain
may I think of the gospel showers
that water my soul.
When I walk by the river side
may I praise thee for that stream that makes
the eternal city glad, and washes white my robes
that I may have the right to the tree of life.
Thy infinite love is a mystery of mysteries,
and my eternal rest lies
in the eternal enjoyment of it.
—From The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Light of the World

The picture above was taken at the entrance of the Longhorn Cavern at the Longhorn Cavern State Park in Burnet, TX on March 11.
Light of the World
"Light of the World
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes
Let me see..." ---lyrics from "Here I am To Worship"
There I was
in a dark cave
Trembling in fears
I fell to my knees
And wept---
For I could not see
From above
It came...
Like a waterfall
Pouring into the emptiness
Cleansing my body
With tender washes
Like a song
Breaking into the silence
Capturing my heart
With soothing melodies
Like a breeze
Flowing into the stillness
Renewing my soul
With gentle whispers
It was the Light
Penetrating through the darkness
Transforming me
Into a child of Light
There I was still
in the same cave
Yet I feared no darkness
For the Light was with me
I rejoiced in Its presence
And danced to Its glory---
For I could finally see.

Saturday, February 18, 2006
The Investments of Life
The Investments of Life
Every time I make a decision concerning my life, I may be investing in the business of earth or the business of heaven. I am likely to invest in the former, for it is close to my flesh, my physical, emotional desires, and if invested properly, results in a profit that satisfies my flesh. Unfortunately, this satisfaction is temporal, resulting in an ever-increasing crave for more yet never being satisfied. Moreover, there always exists the danger of losing the profits obtained from earthly investments by unexpected circumstances; in other words, I may be laboring for the benefit of my life, not knowing that I am laboring in vain. I wonder, then, what the rationality is to invest in the business of earth in the first place. There should be no such rationality in the minds of those who know of a higher reality, a better business, operating in a greater kingdom called heaven. Unlike earthly investments, heavenly investments are guaranteed from losing; they are of eternal value and everlasting existence. If I consider my grades or getting an internship job more important than my quiet time with the Lord, the relationships I have with my brothers and sisters, or the intentional time I spend with my non-believing friends, then I am investing in the wrong business.
Friend, are you investing in the right business today?
The Lord reminded me of Matthew 6: 19-21 this evening. Let’s pray and ask Him to guide us in our daily investments.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6: 19-21).
Every time I make a decision concerning my life, I may be investing in the business of earth or the business of heaven. I am likely to invest in the former, for it is close to my flesh, my physical, emotional desires, and if invested properly, results in a profit that satisfies my flesh. Unfortunately, this satisfaction is temporal, resulting in an ever-increasing crave for more yet never being satisfied. Moreover, there always exists the danger of losing the profits obtained from earthly investments by unexpected circumstances; in other words, I may be laboring for the benefit of my life, not knowing that I am laboring in vain. I wonder, then, what the rationality is to invest in the business of earth in the first place. There should be no such rationality in the minds of those who know of a higher reality, a better business, operating in a greater kingdom called heaven. Unlike earthly investments, heavenly investments are guaranteed from losing; they are of eternal value and everlasting existence. If I consider my grades or getting an internship job more important than my quiet time with the Lord, the relationships I have with my brothers and sisters, or the intentional time I spend with my non-believing friends, then I am investing in the wrong business.
Friend, are you investing in the right business today?
The Lord reminded me of Matthew 6: 19-21 this evening. Let’s pray and ask Him to guide us in our daily investments.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6: 19-21).