Beyond beauty, there is Glory;
Beyond goodness, there is Perfection;
Beyond reality, there is the Truth;
Beyond separation, there is Holiness;
Beyond flesh, there is the Spirit;
Beyond death, there is the Resurrection;
Beyond darkness, there is the Light;
Beyond earth, there is Heaven;
Beyond time, there is Eternity;
Beyond sight, there is Faith;
Beyond knowledge, there is Revelation;
Beyond rescues, there is Salvation;
Beyond bodies, there is the Bread;
Beyond forgiveness, there is the Blood;
Beyond sacrifices, there is the Lamb;
Beyond purchases, there is the Redemption;
Beyond cleanness, there is the Sanctification;
Beyond trials, there is the Cross;
Beyond trails, there is the Way;
Beyond doors, there is the Gate;
Beyond shelters, there is the House;
Beyond sheep, there is the Shepherd;
Beyond workers, there is the Servant;
Beyond heros, there is the Savior;
Beyond creations, there is the Creator;
Beyond powers, there is the Majesty;
Beyond lords, there is the Master;
Beyond rulers, there is the King;
Beyond thrones, there is the kingdom;
Beyond words, there is the Word;
Beyond news, there is the Good News;
Beyond doctrines, there is the Gospel;
Beyond sons, there is the Son of Man;
Beyond fathers, there is the Father;
Beyond men, there is the Perfect Man;
Beyond all, there is One and Only;
Beyond everything, there is the Lord;
And beyond our Almighty God, there is, merely, nothing.
"We live by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7)

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